I was in my devotional this morning and felt like writing.
Jesus, at the last supper, was telling his disciples that he will be hunted and killed. Jesus told them he would be back, 3 days later. Peter got all indignant and pretty much told Jesus 'get the f*** outta here.' He didn't believe it or see God's vision for the future. "Jesus turned and said to Peter, 'Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.'" Matthew 16:23
I believe God wants us to be free from oppression and bondage. We could live our purpose by loving each other and respecting human rights. We are tasked to find our purpose of service on Earth. When difficult things must be done to advance the will of God, we should not call bullshit or create stumbling blocks, like Peter. We should get serious and down to the business, like Jesus.
There are no better standards for the liberation of God's people than human rights and Reproductive Justice. If you are doing that work, you are doing the will of God!
When a person, institution, entity or historical construct stands between the liberation of God's people, it is Satan. "Get behind me, Satan!" In my birth equity work, I see how leaders express their White supremacy in their work. It feels... evil. People of all races even perform this harmful "whiteness" without knowing or intending to do so.
Healthcare leadership have power in conducting research, creating policy, hiring decisionmakers, guiding institutional direction, establishing admin processes etc. They massively impact the individual and community experience of care. Many White systems leaders are well-meaning; however, some make decisions that become harmful for my people out of apathy, ignorance, and purposed destruction.
My organization tries to assist them. We are helpful and understanding, we lead towards health equity with a soft guiding hand. Noble, yet I do not want my org's relatively soft approach to deafen my scream. God's will is the liberation of Black people, with human rights and Reproductive Justice. I will stay focused in that walk because I believe they are bound.
My prayer is to work with Dr. Toni Bond one day to light the Christian womanist path towards Black liberation through Reproductive Justice.