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366 Sexual & Reproductive Health Advocacy Days

I like to frontload my calendar with as much information as possible. It could be for my undercover love of trivia, or a suppressed A-type personality resurfacing. However, if you're also interested in some national synergy in your SRH advocacy, here is what I've found.

The list below was compiled from several websites and may be used for personal scheduling, business calendaring or nonprofit planning. Add a comment with an addition and you will be credited!

Happy Planning


Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

National Birth Defects Prevention Month

National Stalking Awareness Month

National Slavery & Human Trafficking Month

National Pre-pregnancy Awareness Month

11th Human Trafficking Awareness Day

14th Cesarean Section Day

22nd Roe v Wade Day


American heart Month

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

LGBTQiA+ History Month

7th National Black AIDS Awareness Day

13th Black Love Day, founded by Ayo Handy-Kendi in 1993; demonstrate Black love for self, family and community.

18th Audre Lorde Birthday

19th Lugenia Burns Hope b.1871, Activist for racial and sexual equality and lynching abolishment.


National Endometriosis Awareness Month

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Women's History Month

Gender Equality Month

National developmental Disability Awareness Month

National Ethics Awareness Month

3rd National Caregivers Day

4th IBCLC Day

5th International Open Data Day

8th International Women's Day

10th National Women & Girls HIV Awareness Day

10th-16th Patient Safety Awareness Week

3rd Week of March- World Doula Week

12th Equal Pay Day

17th Doctor & Patient Trust Day


  • Native HIV Awareness Day

  • National Stretch Mark Day

21st World Downs Syndrome Day

22nd World Doula Day

25th-31st National Physicians Week

27th Viagra Day

31st Trans Day of Visibility


STD/STI Awareness Month

National Minority Health Month

Child Abuse Prevention Month

Cesarean Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Prevention Month

Fair Housing Month

Financial Literacy Month

1st-7th National Public Health Week

3rd Pro Life T Shirt Day

7th World Health Day

8th Baby Massage Day

11th International Day for Maternal Health & Rights

11th-17th Black Maternal health Week

16th National Healthcare Decisions Day

18th-25th Fibroid Awareness Week

19th-26th National Infertility Awareness Week

20th National Death Doula Day


Employee Health & Fitness Month

Mental health Month

National High Blood Pressure Education Month

National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

Maternal Mental Health Month

Haitian Heritage Month


  • Black Barber Shop Appreciation Day

  • Infertility Survival Day

5th International Day of the Midwife

6th-12th National Nurse's Day

8th World Ovarian Cancer Day

10th-16th Women's Health Week


  • International Nurse's Day

  • National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

  • National Tampon Day

14th Sexual Health Differences Day

16th National LGBT Elders Day

22nd World Pre Eclampsia Day

25th African Liberation Day


  • International Day of Azteca Women's Health

  • Menstrual Hygiene Day


National Safety Month

World Infertility Awareness Month

2nd National Sex Workers Day

6th-12th Healthcare Executive Appreciation Week

9th National Sex Day

13th Family Health & Fitness Day


  • World Sickle Cell Day

  • International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence

  • Juneteenth

23rd National Fatherless Day

27th National HIV Testing Day


Fibroid Awareness Month


National Breastfeeding Month

National Immunization Awareness Month

1st-7th World Breastfeeding Week

22nd Rainbow Baby Day

25th-31st Black Breastfeeding Week


Prematurity & Infant Mortality Awareness Month

Newborn Screening Awareness Month

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Sexual Health Awareness Month

Healthy Aging Month

National Sickle Cell Month

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome Month

23rd Celebrate Bisexuality Day

25th bell hooks Birthday

4th Tuesday National voter Registration Day

29th World Heart Day

30th National Women's Health & Fitness Day


Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Health literacy Awareness Month

SIDS Awareness Month

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Head Start Awareness onth

LGBTQIA+ History Month

Menopause Month

1st-7th National Midwives Week

4th-11th Mental Illness Awareness Week

5th National Depression Screening Day


  • Fannie Lou Hamer's Birthday b.1917, Civil Rights, Education and Reproductive Justice activist/organizer.

  • National Voter Registration Day

11th International Day of the Girl

13th National Herpes Awareness Day

18th-24th National Healthcare Quality Week

20th National Mammography Day

21st, 1932, Start of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment in which 100's of Black men were left infected and untreated for 40 years by government researchers.

20th-26th National health Education Week

26th National Trans Children Day

15th Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day


National Prematurity Awareness Month

National Family Caregivers Month

National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month


  • World Prematurity Day

  • World Vasectomy Day

18th National Adoption Day

20th International Day of the Child

20th Trans Day of Remembrance

26th National Family Health History Day

30th Shirley Chisholm Birthday b.1924 First Black Woman elected to congress (1968) and first Black woman to run for president (1972)


1st International AIDS Day


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