The respiratory infection, Covid-19, is a lot like the sexually transmitted infection, genital herpes. Let me count the ways-
No one knows if someone has been previously infected or not
People feel like the low risk of death and major complication from infection is negligible
Folx use infection barrier prevention methods, like masks and condoms, inconsistently.
Many struggle with setting boundaries and/or providing verbal consent for use of barrier methods
People are generally non-communicative about stigmatized/embarrassing personal health information
There is no public health funding or widespread infrastructure for preventive contract tracing efforts
There is no standard moral obligation to disclose potential infection risk to others
Testing is fairly easy and accessible, but avoided by many
Folx frequently lie about how recently they were tested/vaccinated
People resort to fraud (fake test results/vaccination cards) to avoid difficult conversations around infectious disease
People prioritize themselves or who do not know (or care) about their impact. Maybe its a very sane survival reflex or self preservation or humans are turning to lemmings in the face of global destruction. I want to give people the benefit of the doubt, but its hard out here when people don't wear masks or condoms.
Reply with your thoughts! I am very interested in what we learn about disease prevention and human behavior across health issues.