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Top 5: Ghostwriting Tips for the Low

How do researchers earn side money? Hell, I don't know. I reckon we are supposed to write for people. I want to be a resource, and I was asked the other day about ghostwriting. Similar to how I feel about audiobooks, ghostwriting is just a way to aid the storytelling and research dissemination process.

Below are my top 5 ideas that can help any ghostwriter, for the low:

  1. Start conversations- Get your author talking. All conversations will probably help the process

  2. Take ample notes- Pick up on things about them that they probably won't think of in storytelling

  3. Zoom- If you can record a Zoom, that means you probably have the type of account that you can receive a transcription

  4. This is another site, you can get 600 minutes of free transcription/month!

  5. Rev is a transcription service and also has a good app. It will record hone conversations and also for a cents/minute


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