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2021 Sociology Conferences

This was my first year on the sociology conference cycle! I am so pumped. My first conference year at the American Public Health Association annual meeting was all observation, so I will do the same here. However, I am very tempted to unmute on this zoom and fangirl. The Association of Black Sociologists was celebrating their 50th annual conference this year. My poster was not accepted, but I ended up being grateful because I could be a true student. I missed most of the ABS conference on Wednesday-Friday cause of poor planning at work, but am fully on board next year.

I caught this virtual American Sociological Association Conference from the beginning. I am strategically approaching the sessions and prioritizing my attendance at sessions that aren't recorded. I will need to set aside time for the ones that are. I cast my net far and wide on the topics that I am truly interested in. I am starting Saturday attending panels on fertility and the new Sociology of Black Feminism book. WOW! Below are sparse notes to myself and to you, if you're interested.

Meeting Wish List

  • Rose Brewer

  • Alicia Bonaparte

  • Blu Buchanan

  • Samantha E. Erskine

  • Whitney Laster Pirtle

  • Zakiya Luna

Resources and Follow-Up Data

  • Sisters of the Yam

  • Kantsaywhere: Black African Women inside the Australian Racial Crucible

  • Black Feminist Anthropology

Affirmations and Advice

  • Editors will save your life

  • Go where your work is wanted and supported

  • Work with other people, writing is a collaborative process

Black Feminist Sociology: Commitment, Critiques, and Collaboration

Even the authors are not clear on how Black Feminism is sociology. Freedan Blume Oeur said that the solutions lie outside of sociology and transdisciplinary. Many folks resonated with that.

I need to go find Blu Buchanan. He is a professor at UNC Asheville right now. They are challenging Black feminsim on the places where it messed up and excluded Black women.

Black maternal health is here! Alicia Bonaparte gave an amazing address and features Black Mamas Matter Alliance and Jennie Joseph's Commonsense Childbirth. She has transnational allyships in MCH and RJ through African feminism.

Intersectionality and Critical Race Theories are in the mainstream. The highest viewed intersectionality video on youtube is clickbait.

Freeden Blume Oeur is studying the Black male narrative. I perceive him as mixed at best.

New Black Masculinities are the same as Black male studies.

Researchers are interested in why Black masculinities are so critical of Black feminism. Why do they believe that we are perpetrators of harm and enemies of Black men?

The demonization of Black women and a shift away from Black feminism is being actively studied.

The Black Scholar was a publication in the 70s that gives prehistory to this intersectionality conversation.

Samantha E Erskine is studying organizational management in a sociological Black feminist frameworks. She is getting feedback that organizations will not take her seriously. Rose Brewer told her to be choosey about where you go. Take a job where the faculty sees you, you have support and solidarity.

Derek Siegel and Andrea Becker had a discourse about bodily autonomy, eugenics and transparenting and how trans women v trans men view and experience parenthood. It is important to consider the desires of the birthing people, folx want to have biological children.

Katrina Kimport "No Real Choice" published by Rutgers and coming out


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